We have launched our new site (https://oxhkscholars.web.ox.ac.uk) today. While we are migrating the contents, our old site is still accessible at https://www.oxhkscholars.com. When the migration is complete, the old site will be turned down and www.oxhkscholars.com will point to this new site.
The OxHKScholars is a student-run, non-profit organisation founded in 2015 by a group of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers, with the objective to bridge scholars from different fields. Despite being very recently established, OxHKScholars has already gained over 250 active members and alumni, with an increase of 50 members every year.
Our diverse and vivid membership base encapsulates postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers, and visiting scholars at Oxford, specialising in fields ranging from machine learning, biomedical science, statistics to humanities subjects, such as Chinese studies and law. Many of our members now serve as professionals in the government, business, and legal sectors, as well as academics in prominent universities around the world.
Following the election of new committee for academic year 2019–2020, we have also established an IT working group to oversee the development of our website. The IT working group consists of the current President (Terence Tsui), Academic Officer (Henry Hung), immediate past President (Alex Tsui), and IT Officer (Jonathan Yeung). While our old site is hosted with our own server, the IT working group believes the budget can be reallocated for other Association priorities such as event hosting and networking. Soon the IT working group requested a new site to be hosted by the Oxford Mosaic (from IT Services).
While no IT Officer has been appointed in this committee term, the site management is shared between the Academic Officer and other committee members. We still welcome application of incoming scholars to be elected for the IT Officer. We hope the incoming IT Officer will take main responsibility in managing the site and other IT aspects of the Association, therefore a working understanding and knowledge of IT will be necessary. Meanwhile we would like to thank the first and immediate past IT Officer Jonathan Yeung for his efforts in managing the old server and site.
If you have any queries regarding the position and the site, please do not hesitate to reach us by email.