
Academic Outreach is a central mission of our Association. We welcome other organisations to email us for collaboration. Below shows some annual highlights in both Oxford and Hong Kong. For more details on upcoming events, please visit our Events page.

Hong Kong PhD Symposia

HK Symposium 2018

We vision ourselves in bridging Oxford and Hong Kong higher education communities. “Before & After: My PhD Journey”, held at HKU in 2018 and funded by the Croucher Foundation, is the first Oxford and Cambridge students-led symposium designed to provide detailed insights for prospective graduate students on life during and after postgraduate studies. Featuring student and established researchers, the Symposium showcased many stories of academic pursuit and offered the audience insights into academic life. We also hosted panel discussions on funding and applications for postgraduate studies. The next proposed Symposium will be held in late December 2019 / early January 2020 at CUHK, titled “A Scholars’ Journal: Triumphs and Struggles beyond PhD”.

Oxford Academic Symposia

Oxford Symposium 2019

Each year we invite our members to present their research topics at our annual flagship event. The Symposium was first organised in 2017 with the aim to encourage cross-discipline knowledge exchange. In 2018, we featured Associate Professor Ming Wai-kit as a keynote speaker and 12 speakers from both Cambridge and Oxford. In 2019, we hosted 8 speakers to cover a range of topics in both STEM and AHSS fields. We continue to vision the Symposium an integral part of our academic platform in the future. The next proposed Academic Symposium will be held in January/February 2020 at Oxford.

Graduate School Application Workshops


We have been endeavouring to provide support to undergraduates in pursuing academic career. We launched different workshops (aka PhD information sessions) for undergraduates and Master’s students to provide them insights about graduate schools. We shared with them our PhD application experience and also discussed various funding and scholarship opportunities.