Phil reads DPhil in Clinical Medicine in the Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research. Before coming to Oxford, he studied medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and worked 1 year in hospital as a frontline clinician. His main interest is in epigenetics, and is studying the epigenetic changes in the formation of cancer, and how this knowledge may be harnessed for early diagnosis and treatment.
We've been through countless lectures, textbooks, and readings, created and written by previous scholars. Now it's our turn to venture into the unknown and establish new grounds for our successors. It will be a tough and lonely journey, as we climb towards the top of the knowledge pyramid in your field. Less people can supervise us, and less peers can understand us. But it doesn't always have to be that way. My aspiration as the Academic Officer of OxHKScholars is to avoid this situation by connecting Hong Kong postgraduates, and build a strong community that facilitates knowledge exchange, both within and beyond scholars of the same discipline. By encouraging people to engage in sharing their knowledge, I believe we can spark more creative ideas and foster interdisciplinary collaborations among our members.