Workshop: 'How to manage your postgraduate during lockdown'

Hope you are doing well. Can’t believe it's already 2 weeks into Michaelmas term!

May I interest you with our upcoming event on "How to manage your postgraduate during lockdown". It will be held on Monday at 5pm, and unfortunately it has to be virtual via Zoom.

We have invited our Senior Member Professor Man Yee Kan to give advice from a supervisor's perspective, and our fellow member, Vanessa, a trainee clinical psychologist, who will talk about how to take care of our own mental health during this stressful period.

After the talks, there'll also be an informal chit-chat session, where you can ask us any questions in the breakout rooms. Hopefully we will have a joyous evening with a drink in hand!

If you're interested, please register at this link.


2020 mt  lockdown workshop