Happy Chinese New Year! CUHKPGSA and OxHKScholars are co-hosting an Oxbridge gathering in London to celebrate Chinese New Year and the Year of Mouse. Everyone is welcomed. There might even be spontaneous drinks afterwards.
We invite you to join our dinner in London at Joy King Lau (新醉瓊樓). Update: the dinner venue has been changed to Gold Mine.
Time: 7 pm
Venue: Joy King Lau, 3 Leicester Street, London WC2H 7BLGold Mine, 102 Queensway, Bayswater, London W2 3RR
We will send a reminder email on Friday. In the meantime, please do arrange your own travels. If you decide to purchase an advanced ticket, we would suggest a return time not earlier that 22:00, especially if you would like to join any spontaneous drinks afterwards!