Oxford University Hong Kong Scholars Association (OxHKScholars) presents
Hong Kong PhD Symposium 2020 — Scholars’ Journal: Triumphs and Struggles beyond PhD
香港 PhD 座談會 2020 — 學者遊記:博士的成就與掙扎
‘The introduction of the DPhil (PhD) was a vital moment in the University’s history. It changed the fundamental nature and make-up of the University, perhaps more significantly than at any time in the preceding 800 years.’ — DPhil Centenary, University of Oxford
A PhD is usually the terminal degree of all academic study paths. It celebrates a scholar’s achievement in producing a dissertation whose body of knowledge advances our understanding of the world and contributes novelty to the field. However, the story does not just end here – here, where the directions end and the long expedition begins.
OxHKScholars proudly presents its Hong Kong PhD Symposium 2020, as we are committed to raising the awareness of graduate school and academic career among prospective students in Hong Kong. We want our audience to know that there are endless possibilities in an academic career.
This Symposium hosts many established scholars with different backgrounds who are at different career stages. The scholars will share with us their motivation to embark on their academic journey. They will tell us their moments of triumphs and struggles. They will walk us through how they navigated within and outside of academia, before finally reaching where they are now.
We cordially invite you to come and join us in our celebration of these scholars’ life stories and pursuits.
Keynote speakers (in alphabetical order):
- Prof. Vic Law 羅錦團教授 — Dr Tai-chin Lo Associate Professor of Science, Department of Physics, HKUST / President, The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
- Prof. Dennis Lo 盧煜明教授 — Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, CUHK / Professor of Chemical Pathology, Department of Chemical Pathology, CUHK
- Prof. Ng Mee Kam 伍美琴教授 — Professor, Department of Geography and Resources Management, CUHK
- Prof. Anderson Shum 岑浩璋教授 — Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKU
- Dr Tsui Lik Hang 徐力恆博士 — Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese and History, CityU
Date: 4 January 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00 – 18:00 (intermission and refreshments included)
Venue: Wang Gungwu LT, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong
*Free admission with limited spaces*
Gold Sponsor of the Year: Jardine Foundation
Venue Sponsor: HKU Graduate House (Master: Dr Wei-Ning Lee)
Supporting Organisation: The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (President: Prof Vic Law)
Free registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/scholars-journal-triumphs-and-struggles-beyond-phd-tickets-85244026177
Email enquires: oxhk.scholars@studentclubs.ox.ac.uk
Website: http://oxhkscholars.web.ox.ac.uk