Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting
The Acting President of the Oxford University Hong Kong Scholars Association, Peter Wan, is invoking Paragraph 10 of the Constitution to call for an Extraordinary General Meeting.
The First Extraordinary General Meeting of 2021–2022 will be convened at 5 pm (UTC+0) on Saturday the 13th of November, 2021 on Microsoft Teams and chaired by Peter Wan. The Meeting will discuss and vote on one motion, which concerns the invoking of Paragraph 29 of the Constitution to remove a member from the Committee.
The Committee pleads with members for attending the Meeting in person or by proxy. All members should have received the details and the Agenda of the Meeting by email.
二零二一至二零二二年度第一次臨時會員大會訂於二零二一年十一月十三日下午五時(世界協調時)假 Microsoft Teams 舉行,由溫珏霆出任大會主席。會員大會將就一項有關依會章第二十九段罷免幹事會成員之議案進行討論及投票。