Owing to the great turnout to our Society Formal last month, OxHKScholars will be hosting an End-of-term Formal at St John's College on Nov 26 (Tue) Week 7.
Please do sign up ASAP to avoid disappointment!
The prices for the formal are:
Members: £5
Non-members: £8
Note: If you're not a member yet, why don't consider joining our membership for £5? This entitles you to further discounts in our future events.
Please apply for your place using this form AND make payment to the following account on or before this Friday (Nov 22). Your registration is only confirmed when your payment is received.
Payment information:
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Account Name: OHKSA
Sort Code: 30-90-90
Account No.: 29769060
Payment Reference: First Name + Last Name